
Integrate avecdo with SmartWeb and experience how simple it is to create and optimize your product feeds for many channels.

avecdo optimize your SmartWeb product feed for marketing channels like PriceRunner, Facebook and Google Shopping – by just a few clicks


What is SmartWeb and Why Should you Use a Product Feed?

SmartWeb is a user-friendly and Danish-developed web shop system that contains everything you need to start a webshop. They do all the technical for you so you can concentrate on selling your goods! In fact, their webshop platform is so user-friendly and easy that you can be up and running with your webshop in just 1 day!

SmartWeb stands out by having free Danish support, which helps you in the very goal of setting up your webshop. They take you by the hand and offer support in all the different steps you need to get into the air with your webshop.

They also help you set up your e-mail, what you need to do with your domain, how to receive online payment on your webshop. SmartWeb even has a set of trading conditions that you can just use. It helps to emphasize that we are an all-in-one webshop!

But you will need a productfeed with all your products to get on the different marketingchannels.

Why Integrate avecdo with SmartWeb?

Integrate avecdo with your SmartWeb store and manage how your product information is displayed on external trading channels. Create your SmartWeb product feed in just a few simple clicks with avecdo, for immediate use. This makes it quick and easy to display and market your products on Facebook, Google Shopping, Pricerunner, and many other marketing channels.

The product information from your web shop is automatically adapted to the individual trading channels. In this way, your products will be displayed under relevant product categories and found by consumer search queries.

It doesn’t require any technical skills to manage your SmartWeb product feed with avecdo. The integration makes it easy for you and your web shop to enter new, and optimize current, trading channels.

Setup Guide to Integrate avecdo on your Smartweb

More about Smartweb and ProductFeeds

Introduction to Smartweb

Smartweb is a dynamic e-commerce platform tailored to help retailers efficiently manage their online stores while fostering business growth. It offers a user-friendly interface that simplifies the process of setting up and maintaining a professional-looking online presence. The platform is ideal for businesses of all sizes, from small startups to large enterprises.

Integration with Product Feeds

One of the standout features of Smartweb is its robust support for product feeds. This feature enables retailers to manage and update their product information seamlessly across multiple sales channels. By ensuring consistent and accurate product details, businesses can avoid the common pitfalls of manual data entry, such as errors and inconsistencies, which can negatively impact customer trust and sales.

Enhanced E-commerce with Avecdo

Integrating Smartweb with avecdo elevates the functionality of product feeds by automating their distribution to various marketplaces and comparison websites. Avecdo acts as a bridge between your Smartweb store and external platforms, facilitating the creation and management of product feeds. This means that once you update your product information on Smartweb, avecdo ensures these changes are automatically reflected across all connected channels. This streamlined process not only saves time but also increases the accuracy and reach of your product listings.

Benefits of Avecdo Integration

The integration of Smartweb with avecdo provides numerous benefits:
Automated Feed Management: Automatically update and sync product information across platforms, reducing the workload and potential for error.
Increased Visibility: By distributing product feeds to different marketplaces, you can enhance the visibility of your products, reaching a wider audience and potentially increasing sales.
SEO Enhancement: Accurate and consistent product listings help improve your store’s SEO, making your products more discoverable via search engines.


For e-commerce retailers looking to optimize their online presence, streamline operations, and expand their market reach, Smartweb, in conjunction with product feeds and avecdo integration, offers a comprehensive and efficient solution. This powerful combination not only simplifies e-commerce management but also enhances performance, ensuring that businesses can thrive in the competitive online marketplace.